Working-from-Home: Infecting People and Organizations in Insurance
August 12, 2020 by Stephen E. Applebaum
he new normal of remote work is harming morale and impeding creativity both internally and with innovation partners; the insurance industry needs creative new approaches to reignite corporate development, innovation and transformation.
The world is entering month eight of the pandemic and the complete disruption of the personal and business lives of virtually every one of us. While the timing and response to COVID-19 may have varied by country, region and city, nobody is unaffected. And the timeline for a return to anything resembling pre-COVID-19 life remains elusive and unclear. But while we continue to live and work in a state that feels like some surreal form of suspended animation, there is still much we could and should be doing about conducting the business of insurance and the enormous number of people it employs, supports and protects.
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