Why are fixed indexed annuities primed for growth?
October 23, 2019 by Jamie Hopkins
Fixed indexed annuities, also referred to as equity indexed annuities, have been a hot button issue for decades now.
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Wink’s Note: Fixed indexed annuities are not commonly referred to as equity indexed annuities as that is an inaccurate and outdated term. Indexed annuity sales were already setting records before the DOL, and just had a dip that year. But the quote from Dave Alison, CFP®, EAAfter six years, a salesperson would make more on a fee-based indexed annuity, than they would on the average indexed annuity that was commission-based. On the other hand, the difference in caps between a commission-based indexed annuity, and a fee-based one with [Unnamed Large Insurer] is 1.00% (on the S&P 500 annual PTP strategy), all other things being equal.