Smart Tax Planning Now: 20 Days of Tax Planning Advice for 2013
March 11, 2013 by James J. Green, AdvisorOne
Nothing is certain except death and taxes. Or to apply these words— written by Benjamin Franklin in a 1789 letter—to advisors and their clients, nothing’s certain except there will be changes to the Internal Revenue Code, including changes to estate planning.
For the third year in a row, the editors at AdvisorOne will present a month’s worth of tax planning tips—there are 20 business days (when the markets are open) in March 2013—to keep you up to date on changes to the IRC. In addition, our intent is to report and write not only on the IRC, Treasury Dept. tax regs and Tax Court rulings, with a big helping hand from our colleagues at Tax Facts Online, but also to present the practices and tax planning strategies followed by your peers: a select group of bloggers and other advisors whom we’ve interviewed and asked to blog on the topic.
We invite you to return to this article as we update the calendar below for 20 Days of Tax Planning Advice for 2013, and to our Tax Planning Advice landing page. For your edification, the full quote from Ben Franklin was “Our Constitution is in actual operation. Everything appears to promise that it will last; but in this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” Or in the original French—Franklin was writing to a scientist friend in Paris, Jean-Baptiste Leroy—“Notre constitution nouvelle est actuellement établie, tout paraît nous promettre qu’elle sera durable; mais, dans ce monde, il n’y a rien d’assure que la mort et les impôts.”
20 Days of Tax Planning Advice for 2013