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  • Three Insurance Policies That Could Help Pay for Retirement

    February 12, 2013 by Jennifer Nelson

    Most people who are planning for retirement fund their 401Ks and use  financial vehicles like mutual funds, bonds and securities to save money. But  you may have overlooked life insurance in your planning efforts.

    Although there are some caveats, certain forms of life insurance can  provide funds in your senior years.

    “In most cases life insurance is probably not appropriate until all of the  tax qualified plans — IRAs, 401Ks, etc. — have been maxed out and one doesn’t  have any more of those vehicles to invest in,” says Rob Drury, executive  director of the Association of Christian Financial Advisors, a non-profit  coalition of over 3,000 financial advisers based in San Antonio.

    But if you’re looking for an extra boost, here are three insurance  options.


    While annuities can help supplement retirement, the best part is that they  grow tax deferred but are fully taxed at your tax bracket when you take money  out.

    Variable annuities let you invest in accounts similar to mutual funds, and  the money grows tax-deferred until it’s withdrawn. Most companies offer an  add-on guarantee for an extra fee, either a guaranteed minimum income benefit  (GMIB) or a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit (GMWB).

    “Inside the annuity you may have an interest-bearing account or mutual funds  that give you the opportunity for a higher rate of return. There are also  indexed annuities that limit any losses, but also may limit future growth,” says  Sheldon Weiner, founding partner at the financial planning firm Egan, Berger & Weiner LLC., in Vienna, Va.

    An annuity may cost 0.6% to 1% of your investment, plus the standard annuity  fee of 1.4%, which can be twice the cost of a mutual fund.

    GMWB allows you to withdraw up to a certain amount each year from the initial  investment for the rest of your life, no matter how the investments perform.  Even if the account is depleted, the insurer pays the guaranteed amount. This  makes it an attractive insurance vehicle for retirement.

    A 5 to 6% annual return is typical in a good market. Some products increase  payouts if your investments increase. You can withdraw your account balance at  any time, but many annuities impose a surrender charge if you cash out within  the first six to seven years of the annuity. There’s also typically a death  benefit feature to help your heirs pay future estate taxes.

    “What sells variable annuities today are the extra bells and whistles such as  a guaranteed growth rate on future income and guaranteed withdrawal rates. This  helps take away the downside but does not limit the upside in a bull market,”  says Weiner.

    The best time to buy a variable annuity is when the market is high and you  want protection against a fall. When you purchase a variable annuity in a strong  bull market they do well. If however, they’re purchased in a bear market, or  they’re owned during a severe bear market, your investment performance will  likely stagnate. Insurers aren’t able to manage these as effectively as they  manage mutual funds in a down market.

    Annuities are hardly right for everyone. They limit liquidity, have surrender  charges if you want to abandon them, and can carry expensive fees. “But they may  be right for people who don’t have enough Social Security or pension income or  those who cannot sleep at night because of worries about the stock market,” says  Weiner.

    Permanent life insurance

    Permanent life insurance accrues a cash value over the life of the policy.  Unlike term life insurance, which  doesn’t accrue cash value and simply pays a death benefit, the cash component in  permanent life builds up over time, and the policy owner can take a loan against  the cash value.

    If you hold your permanent life insurance policy for decades, giving the cash  value time to build, you could have a very nice nest egg at retirement. Even if  you never use the cash value, you have the life insurance if you pass away.

    Permanent life aims to provide protection and growth. The cash that builds in  these policies is not taxed until it’s withdrawn, and you can avoid those taxes  by taking a loan against the account, which reduces the death benefit. This is  its main advantage. Here’s more on cash value life insurance.

    “Critics will say, ‘You’ll pay interest and also you’re removing cash value  and putting the policy at risk of lapsing.’ There’s some truth to that,” says  Drury. You want to prevent a lapse. When a policy lapses and you’ve borrowed  money from it, the IRS looks at that withdrawal as income, making it a taxable  event.

    Permanent life insurance as a retirement fund may make sense for high earners  who max out other tax-deferred savings. It also may benefit older folks who have  illiquid estates, like small business owners who want to leave money to someone,  yet the death benefit is more than what they’d be able to save. Plus, anyone in  a position to retire early, in their 40s or 50s (before they can access their  qualified plans) may be a candidate for permanent life since there are no age  restrictions to funding life insurance.

    This strategy is not for people within 10 to 15 years of retirement.

    In the last 15 to 20 years, “the interest on the loan is a little bit higher  than the earnings on the cash values. It used to be a wash,” says Drury. “You  earned about as much as you were paying — you were basically accessing that  money for free. It’s still pretty darn close.”

    Return of premium term life insurance

    Return of premium (ROP) term life insurance policies are a special variety of  level term policies. If the customer hasn’t passed away during the term of the  policy, he gets all his premium money back. You do pay considerably more in  premiums for this option than you would for a regular term life policy.

    For example, a 40-year-old male in a standard, non-nicotine class who  purchases $500,000 in coverage for 20 years could have a term premium of $755  per year. An ROP policy would be $2,945. That’s a $2,200 difference per  year.

    But the policyholder would receive $58,900 at the end of the 20 years  according to ING U.S. Insurance Solutions’ figures.

    “If you took the difference between $755 and $2,945 and you wanted it to grow  to that $58,000, you’d have to have a rate of return of almost 4% on a pretax  basis in order to have your invested difference equal the same rate of return as  the ROP,” says Al Lurty, senior vice president and head of business development  for ING U.S. Insurance Solutions.

    That’s a strong rate of guaranteed return. And there is no tax on the money  because it is a return of your premiums. “Try to find a rate of return of 4%  today — good luck,” says Lurty.

    The key is to look at the difference in the premium of what you would have  paid on a regular term policy versus an ROP, and see if you could invest the  difference and get a better rate of return.

    If you buy a 20-year ROP term life policy at age 45, you’d receive your chunk  of money back at age 65 – just when you’re ready for it. If you pass away during  the policy period, your beneficiaries receive the death benefit.

    This strategy isn’t right for someone who’d rather invest the difference  between a term life policy and an ROP, or who thinks they’d do better  elsewhere.

    Read more:  http://www.insure.com/articles/lifeinsurance/insurance-policies-to-pay-for-retirement.html?WT.qs_osrc=fxb-163778110#ixzz2KhPofX3v

    Originally Posted at FOX Business on February 4, 2013 by Jennifer Nelson.

    Categories: Industry Articles