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  • DTCC: Annuity Product Activity for December Up 13%

    January 24, 2012 by N/A

    NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Depository Trust &
    Clearing Corporation (DTCC) Insurance & Retirement Services (I&RS)
    released today full-year and December information on activity in the market for
    annuity products from its award-winning Analytic Reporting for Annuities online
    information service, which leverages data from the transactions that DTCC
    processes for the industry. Analytic Reporting for Annuities is a service
    offering of National Securities Clearing Corporation, a DTCC subsidiary.

    The charts for this release can be viewed at: http://www.dtcc.com/news/press/releases/2012/dec.pdf.

    • Inflows processed by DTCC in 2011
      totaled over $90 billion
    • DTCC processed nearly 45 million
      transactions categorized as inflows and out flows in 2011
    • Net flows in 2011 totaled almost
      $24 billion
    • Inflows for all annuity types
      processed in December increased nearly 13%, or over $860 million, to $7.8
      billion from $6.9 billion in November.
    • Subtracting out flows from
      inflows, net cash flows decreased 2.5% to $1.84 billion in December from
      $1.9 billion in November.
    • The top 10 insurance companies
      accounted for over 69% of all inflows processed in December and over 68%
      of all inflows processed in 2011.
    • Five hundred sixty one (561)
      annuity products saw positive net flows in December, while 2,264 annuity
      products saw negative net flows, where the amount redeemed exceeded the
      amount invested.
    • For the full year, 700 annuity
      products had positive net flows and 2,450 experienced negative net flows.

    The overall trend in inflows has been slightly down for
    the year, while the trend in net flows has been slightly up.

    Transactions processed by DTCC show an increasing percentage of inflows being
    directed into IRA accounts in 2011, and a decreasing percentage of inflows
    directed into non-qualified accounts. Non-qualified accounts are receiving less
    than 40% of cash flows. After remaining relatively flat for the past several
    months inflows into 401(k) plans jumped from $392 million in November to almost
    $749 million in December.

    Looking at the net cash flow (subtracting out flows from inflows) distribution
    displays the greater persistence, or “stickiness,” of investments into qualified
    plan accounts. In 2011 regular IRA accounts took the lion’s share of positive
    net flows with 77%. 401k plans attracted 13%, and non-qualified accounts
    attracted only slightly less than 6% of positive net flows, far from the 39% of
    inflows going into these accounts.

    DTCC-RIIA Agreement

    In August 2011, DTCC joined forces with the Retirement Income Industry
    Association (RIIA) to analyze cash flows by RIIA-defined broker/dealer
    distribution channels and product categories. For the six distribution channels
    defined by RIIA, the following are the percentages of inflows processed by the
    I&RS in December:

    • Independent broker/dealers – 25%
    • Wirehouses – 23%
    • Regional broker/dealers – 15%
    • Bank broker/dealers – 12%
    • Insurance broker/dealers – 9%
    • Others – 16%

    About DTCC

    DTCC, through its subsidiaries, provides clearance, settlement and information
    services for equities, corporate and municipal bonds, government and
    mortgage-backed securities, money market instruments and over-the-counter
    derivatives. In addition, DTCC is a leading processor of mutual funds and
    insurance transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution
    networks. DTCC’s depository provides custody and asset servicing for more than
    3.6 million securities issues from the United States and 121 other countries
    and territories, valued at US$36.5 trillion. In 2010, DTCC settled nearly
    US$1.66 quadrillion in securities transactions. DTCC has operating facilities
    and data centers in multiple locations in the United States and overseas. For
    more information, please visit www.dtcc.com.

    About Analytic Reporting and I&RS

    Analytic Reporting for Annuities is an award-winning online information
    solution containing aggregated data from transactions processed by the I&RS
    of DTCC. I&RS is the central messaging connection for annuity and life
    insurance transactions, enabling insurance companies to provide broker/dealers
    with daily financial transaction information. I&RS processes approximately
    150 million transactions each month.

    Because Analytic Reporting is based on processed transactions, not surveyed
    data, Analytic Reporting gives DTCC customers a unique and unprecedented view
    of their own business as well as the market for annuity products so that they
    can discover key trends and identify opportunities. With updates approximately two
    weeks after each month-end, Analytic Reporting allows users to assess their
    business and access industry intelligence to support management decisions about
    sales, sales management, marketing and product offerings. Analytic Reporting is
    a hosted turnkey solution, available online anywhere, anytime to DTCC
    customers. DTCC customers don’t have to store or manage the data. They don’t
    have to develop applications or run SQL queries to obtain the business
    information they rely on for decision-making.

    See DTCC’s web site at http://www.dtcc.com/analytics
    for more information about the service.

    The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation

    Crystal Bueno, 212-855-5473


    Source: The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation


    Business Wire 2012


    Wire, Inc.



    Originally Posted at InsuranceNewsNet on January 23, 2012 by N/A.

    Categories: Industry Articles